Donegall Pass Community Forum has been situated in the CRI (Cromac Regeneration Initiative) Building since 2013. DPCF are responsible for the overall management of the building. The Initiative is a Community Interest Company that was formed in partnership with MDA and Lorag. The purchase of the building was funded by the International Fund for Ireland and DSD.
The three main purposes of the Initiative was firstly, to establish a joint project which gives the three communities the opportunity to work together and to provide tangible and visible evidence of building good relations and sharing of what was contested space. Secondly, to establish a social enterprise that generates a sustainable source of income for the three communities. Thirdly, to improve services in three disadvantaged areas
The building is a shared and welcoming space for all. The premises also provide spaces within the building to rent. Five other tenants are in place currently. The conference room is also available for hire. The Inner South Belfast Neighbourhood Partnership Board and sub-groups meet in the room regularly. There are many other groups that use the building as a resource for meeting and training purposes.
DPCF fully occupies the 2nd floor, where we have a general office, meeting and IT facilities. We also have a Health suite that is used for therapies and counselling services.
The Forum gains an annual dividend from CRI., this provides us with an average additional income of approx. £6000 per year. These funds are used to invest back into the community, they provide the costs associated with the Seniors Christmas Vouchers, pensioners healthy lunches, Community Celebration events (intergenerational). It is also spent on providing community training opportunities whilst subsidising some running costs ie those associated to the Community Garden and also cleaning costs that are not otherwise provided for. This ensures that all the dividend is used to continue delivering vital services and projects to the community.
The building had sadly lay empty for over ten years and now it is buzzing with activity and bringing life to this otherwise lifeless end of Donegall Pass.
If you haven’t already been in to the building please feel free to call in for a chat and cuppa, we will be delighted to show you around, address any questions you may have and provide you with further information.